Oct 16-20, 2023 (PORTUGAL) & May 20-24, 2024 (BRAZIL)

Building Another Graduate Education:
the necessary changes to other worlds

Chamada de Trabalhos em Português (em PDF) clique aqui. 

Call for abstracts in English (in PDF) click here.

An overview...

About the event

This is a series of international events that aim to discuss and propose changes necessary to build another Graduate Education.

What is the Graduate Education you want?

What is necessary to change in Graduate School?

What changes in Master's and PhDs do you propose?

We know that this is a controversial topic that is swept under the carpet. This only motivates us even more. We want to hear people's proposals so that we can together promote the changes necessary for the future of Graduate Education. 

We need universities that are critical and progressive not only in the content of what they teach, but in their relationships in the proposals that they make and actions that they develop: for the sake of worlds that are fairer, more egalitarian, and solidary!

We want to create moments, spaces and build a network in which people feel good, safe and comfortable with each other in order to propose and foster concrete changes in Graduate Education.

Because this is a theme of worldwide relevance, we propose a series of international, networked events that will accept works in two languages and will take place on two different continents: the first event of the series will take place in October 2023 in Portugal; and the second in May 2024 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Each person can submit up to one abstract for each of the events in the series (in Portuguese or English). That is, you can submit an abstract for the edition in Portugal, and a paper for the edition in Brazil, if you wish.

The events in the series come in a format that encompasses some online and some face-to-face activities.

All approved abstracts will be presented and discussed online, pto take advantage of the potential of remote modality, in the first days of each event of the series. 

Online paper sessions will be discussion sessions, not presentation sessions. Due to the propositional character, with which we seek to go beyond denunciation, to move forward with the proposition of concrete changes, these events transform the paper sessions no longer into presentation sessions, but into sessions dedicated to debate and discussion of the papers. The submitted and approved abstracts will be presented in videos recorded in advance and made available to all participants at least one month before each event.

All events will also have face-to-face activities such as round tables, debates, and panels, among others, in which we will seek to consolidate the proposals of the remote moments with face-to-face exchanges and interactions. Participation in the face-to-face activities will be optional, as we are aware of the difficulties some people have in obtaining the necessary resources for physical travel.

Registration fees are reduced: 40 euros (to the event in Portugal) and 50 Brazilian Reais (to the event in Brazil).

Detailed information about papers and submissions can be found by clicking here. clicando aqui.

We strongly encourage the submission of critical abstracts,
controversial, and that include proposals for effective changes to Graduate Education.

Some of the possible topics are (but are not limited to):

  • Dropout
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Supervision / Advising
  • Structure / Requirements of Graduate Programs
  • Authorship
  • Dreams, Status, Careers
  • Academic Relations, Harassment, Mobbing, Violences, Health and Academic Pimping
  • Support: to whom (or how) to ask for help in toxic situations?
  • Gender

The context

Covid-19, persistent wars, worsening income and wealth distribution, increasing inequality, and the picture of Earth in 2023 does not look very pretty. Humans have never had so many technological, technical, and economic means to make the world a better place for more people (and not just a few), but we insist on moving in another direction.

Education is progressively under attack. At the same time, educational institutions are still very, very, very conservative and urgently need to encourage self-criticism and self-evaluation in order to change what is necessary.

Graduate Education around the world has different contexts, but it faces a persistent problem: a large number of students are admitted to master's and doctoral programs, but many do not complete their degrees: student dropout is a worldwide problem.

The dropout among graduate students does not happen by chance: academia is definitely NOT one of the healthiest organizations for students, faculty and staff: academic pimping, toxic academic relationships and complicated mentoring, ethical and authorship issues, many different forms of violence such as assorted harassments, to name just a few.

At the same time, few people complain, rebel, and propose changes. Is it only because of fear? We don't think so! There are many people who are seduced and want to prosper and succeed according to the success models of this "old, traditional" Academy.

The phenomenon is complex and there is no 'silver bullet' that can solve it alone.

Although research exists in some countries and universities, sensitive and controversial issues like these are still largely silenced, or mostly discussed by "experts". We want to hear people's proposals so that together we can promote the necessary changes for the future of graduate studies.

We need universities that are critical and progressive not only in the content of what they teach, but in their daily relationships and in the proposals they make and actions they develop: in favor of more just, egalitarian and solidary worlds!

What we propose

In 2021, we held in Brazil the I Estratégias Na Pós (Strategies in Graduate Education) ((, a meeting that sought to hear from people about their challenges experienced in master's and doctoral studies, as well as the strategies used to face them. The event had more than 30 selected presentations and brought together researchers from all over Brazil. With the most impacting works, we built a book, available in open access, in Portuguese ((

We have seen that discussions related to Graduate Education have some global threads, although with local and national problems and particularities. We have now decided to propose a series of international events for Graduate Studies, with a specific focus: What is the Graduate Education you want? What needs to change in Graduate Education? What changes in the Master's and Doctoral programs do you propose?

We invite students, alumni, professors, technicians, and anyone else interested in discussing (and building) the future of Graduate Education to participate in this event and build it together with us.

What needs to be changed in Graduate Studies? From the macro to the micro level, what changes do you propose to the Master's and PhDs?

Let's build it together!


Important Dates

To the event in Portugal

Beginning of abstracts submission - June 24, 2023

End of abstracts submission - July 24, 2023

Notification of selected abstracts for presentation - until August 4, 2023

Deadline for Presentation Video submission - until September 4, 2023

Deadline to Registration and Payment for authors with selected presentations - until September 4, 2023

Disclosure of Final Program and Schedule - until September 16, 2023

Event - October 16-20, 2023


For the event in Brazil

Beginning of abstracts submission - June 24, 2023

End of abstracts submission – 23 de fevereiro de 2024

Notification of selected abstracts for presentation - until March 8, 2024

Deadline for Presentation Video submission - until April 8, 2024

Deadline to Registration and Payment for authors with selected presentations - until April 8, 2024

Disclosure of Final Program and Schedule - until April 20, 2024

Event - May 20-24, 2024

This is our

Organizing Committee


Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Universidade de Lisboa


Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Some words about...

The submission of abstracts and registration in the events

The submission of abstracts will take place in 2 stages:

1) Abstract submission (up to 750 words) to the event you desire:

until July 24, 2023 to the event in Portugal (portuguese or english)

até 23 de fevereiro de 2024 para Brasil (Português)

To maximize diversity and since we have limited slots available, each author may submit one work for each event in the series.


2) Participants who have their abstracts accepted will be contacted via e-mail and will be required to record a video presentation of their work, up to 10 minutes long.. The authors will choose the format of their own videos.

All events of the series will have remote and online sessions in the first days (for the discussion of the selected papers), and also face-to-face activities in the last days (such as workshops, round table discussions, debates, among others, for everyone who is able and willing to participate in person).

As we said, there will be no presentation of papers during the online sessions of the event. Links to the videos will be posted along with the final schedule at least one month before each event in the series, so that participants can watch all the papers they want in advance.

The paper sessions will be interactive and based on questions, provocations, debates, both from the questions brought by other participants and from the session moderators themselves.

There is no fee for initial abstract submission, but all participants (with or without papers), will need to register for the event they wish to attend and pay the relevant registration fee:

Portugal: 40 EUR               Brasil: R$ 50

To be included in the event's program, authors with selected papers must register and pay the fee by the deadline date (see "Important Dates" section).

Publication possibility

Authors of presented abstracts will be invited to submit a full text/chapter to be evaluated to integrate the publication of an open access book after the event.

Local (Portugal)


Rua da Cruz, 5

Adega Acrata Building

Bogarréus, Alenquer, Portugal

All approved papers will be discussed online remotely. The face-to-face activities (optional) will be held at the above location for the event in Portugal, and are scheduled for October 20, 2023.

Local (Brasil)

Universidade federal do rio de janeiro

Instituto Tércio Pacitti de Aplicações e Pesquisas Computacionais (NCE/UFRJ)

Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 274 

CCMN – NCE Building

Cidade Universitária – Ilha do Fundão 

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

All approved papers will be discussed online remotely. The face-to-face activities (optional) will be held at the above location for the event in Brazil, and are scheduled for May 23 and 24, 2024.

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Doubts? Write us!

